Why is it always so hard to start painting again after a break?
Is it because everything has dried out in the meantime…forgot to screw the lids on my color tubes…and to clean the brushes before I went…again!
(Will I ever learn?)
Or is it that the mind carried on somehow – but the painting is still the same just as I left it in the corner of my atelier?
Well, it was hard emotional work get started again! Didn’t like what I was producing! Couldn’t find any sense in doing it! Why, why, why?
Why nearly the same thing again – ok – on smaller canvas and with slightly different pattern? Another small difference: was only using One of my models for this one.
A friendlier voice in my head said: hey, wait a few days!
Drink a few cups of tea and keep painting!
It still needs some layers of oil paint and then it will go very well with the others…
Give it a chance!
I think you were right to listen to this little voice in your head..
Thanks Laure 🙂
Hi Andrea,
I totally empathise with what you have written. Perhaps we all get that little ‚why‘ question popping into our heads occasionally. As we know only too well, painting is a solitary activity and can be a lonely pursuit. We all need some kind of validation, external confirmation that we are on the right track and regular doses of positive feedback. You are right listen to the friendlier little voice in your head. Keep up the good work – it is part of who you are and very worthwhile!
By the way, thanks for the follow on Twitter #lesthomasart
Best wishes
Hi Les,
Many many thanks for your comment! I’m so grateful for your feedback. I just had a look at your website as well and liked it enormously. So glad to keep in touch via Twitter. Best, Andrea