Why is it always so hard to start painting again after a break? Is it because everything has dried out in the meantime…forgot to screw the lids on my color tubes…and to ...
It’s normal to try new ideas in smaller sizes and then to carry out the ideas which work best on big canvas. But this time I want to do it ...
What’s next? We never had so much freedom in art as we are having today! The only limits are the ones we set for ourselves. It seems to be part ...
Yeah! I’ve done it! Do you like the title of my painting „Up’n’over“? Might need another few hours tomorrow to look for mistakes, follow the lines of all of these ...
First layer just about done! I look forward to working on it again once it’s dry. I know this is only the first step and every branch will still need ...
I believe there is poetry in repetition. There is poetry in repetition. Poetry in repetition. Taking one of my three models, again! Must have painted it a hundred times by ...
What I’ve been doing today? painted branches! twisted my models to the left, to the right turned them round a little bit higher then turned them up side down discovered ...
In this first stage the branches still look more or less flat. They are put next to one another, one by one in patient work. Later they should look like ...